It Happened Today

“Don't wish me happiness
I don't expect to be happy all the time...
It's gotten beyond that somehow.
Wish me courage and strength and a sense of humor.
I will need them all.”
Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Gift from the Sea

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Things I have Found on the Dining Room Table

Living with teenagers is a daily adventure.  This is not breaking news to anyone who is experiencing or has experienced this wonderful(bit of sarcasm) time in parenting.

My latest trial, and possibly obsession, is surrounded by the things I have found on the dining room table. I share this list hoping not to be judged by my house cleaning abilities or lack there of, but rather by my constant attempt at trying to teach my children to pick up after themselves.

Here are some of my favorite finds:
An algebra book, calculator, and yesterday's homework (done but still not turned in)
One sock
Forever 21 shopping bag
An assortment of mechanical pencils - all out of lead
Store receipt for mechanical pencils - not for more lead
Syrup from LAST Saturday's pancake breakfast - phew, now I can stop looking for it in the cupboard
Q-tips - I won't divulge whether they are used or not at the risk of embarrassing anyone BUT I can tell you they were not mine
Banana Peel found under the newspaper - won't tell you what the date is on the paper
Three cellphones - two keep pinging and one is dead
Three laptops
Two cellphone chargers - explaining earlier item on the list
The dogs leash - no one can tell me for certain if he has actually been walked
A dirty cereal bowl from I have no idea when BUT I am not clearing it because this is not a restaurant or a hotel and I am not the hired help, clearly....

Is it 5:00 yet?

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