It Happened Today

“Don't wish me happiness
I don't expect to be happy all the time...
It's gotten beyond that somehow.
Wish me courage and strength and a sense of humor.
I will need them all.”
Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Gift from the Sea

Friday, October 28, 2011

Who You Are in Six Words – or Make it Two

The latest Facebook challenge: Write a description of yourself/your life in 6 words.  Not being one to walk away from a Facebook challenge (thinking of all the quizzes I have taken for example "which Scooby Doo character are you?) I thought I was up for the task. After some thought all I could come up with was “I Do” and to make it 6 words I wrote it 2 more times. 
What power those two words hold.  Not just the obvious nuptial promise of “in sickness and in health”, etc., but really these two words describe me to a T.  I am confident anyone who knows me will heartily agree.  
I have a new challenge – Write a description of you in two words.
This about sums up who I am and my life: I DO
I do love my family and friends.
I do the laundry.
I do the grocery shopping.
I do too much.
I do too little.
I do laugh.
I do cry.
I do love.
I do (try not to) hate.
I do believe in God.
I do go to church.
I do like to eat and drink.
I do need to lose weight.
I do love the beach.
I do get in fights with my sisters.
I do know how to apologize.
I do make mistakes.
I do (try to) learn from my mistakes.
I do my best.
I do love music.
I do miss my father.
I do hope.
I do wish for world peace.
I do try to be a better person.
I do know this list is endless.
I do know when to stop.

I do know the meaning of gratitude.
I do get the picture.
Do you?

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Twenty Years and One Card

Twenty years ago today I said "I Do".  I married a man I knew for just over a year but felt I had known all my life.  Three children, 5 houses, 3 goldfish, 1 mouse (not including the ones who keep finding their way into our house) and one dog later we are still married. Even writing those last words takes my breath away.

Every year I do the song and dance around our anniversary.  How will we celebrate? What gift do I get for him?  What, if anything, will he get me?  Will we go out to dinner? Will I have to do the planning and make the reservations, again?

This year's anniversary, our 20th, seems like a monumental milestone.  I learned long ago, and many tears, "Don't you love me enough to at least go out and buy me a card?", later, not to expect a card.  I married a man who does not believe in greeting cards, does not believe in greeting card company-made celebrations, and rarely gives a card for special occasions. I have learned to relay on this and have learned to accept it - but life is unpredictable! 

Not only did I get a card, but my 51 year old, pretty predictable, husband MADE ME A CARD! Not a folded over piece of white paper with a scribbled note in Bic pen ink - but a card stock, scrap paper, cut out hearts and all the rest, Anniversary Card..

Just yesterday I said to my daughter if you don't have preset expectations in life - life has a better chance of surprising you.  "Be open minded when you have experiences", I told her.  I don't know if I was open minded when approaching our 20th anniversary, or just realistic, but I had no expectations and a simple, hand made, thoughtful card from my sometimes unpredictable husband is the best anniversary gift I have ever received. (That is unless I actually get that ipad I have been asking for at dinner)

Thanks Honey!