It Happened Today

“Don't wish me happiness
I don't expect to be happy all the time...
It's gotten beyond that somehow.
Wish me courage and strength and a sense of humor.
I will need them all.”
Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Gift from the Sea

Friday, February 14, 2014

Snow Days, Facebook, and BuzzFeed

As a teacher "Snow Day" are two of my favorite words along with "Summer Vacation" and "Long Weekend."  Don't misunderstand me I love being a teacher but I also love being at home.

This winter we have had our fair share of snow days.  Win win for both students and teachers.

Since we all keep learning every day I wanted to share with you all some of the things I have learned while being at home.

1. If I were a Rock Band I would be Led Zeppelin. Perennially searching for the "Stairway to Heaven". (Go to number 5 and see if I succeed)

2. If I were a dog I would be a Great Dane. #bigdoglookingforabiggercouch

3. The state I should be living in is West Virginia. No make that Virginia. No how about Minnesota. Really? one more time - Alaska. I gave up on this one. I wanted something with an urban feeling near the ocean. ( I couldn't decide if my favorite actor was Julia Roberts, Denzel Washington, or Harrison Ford.  I also couldn't decide if the quality I liked most in a mate was thoughtful or generous. And what negative adjective most describes me? Am I obsessive, indulgent,  distracted?)

4. If I were a Jane Austen Heroine I would be Fanny Price - interestingly enough this is the one character/movie/book I do not know/have not seen/or read giving me something new to do during the current snow day sabbatical.

5. When I die I will go to Limbo - Dante's First Circle of Death - to hang out with Plato and Aristotle.  They sure are in for a surprise and I am positive my presence will cause them to question all rational thinking and actions all over again. So glad to be of service.

6. The career I should actually have is Humanitarian. Terrific, another low paying job shaping lives and minds.  I am interested in hooking up with anyone who should be a CEO to fund my good deeds.

7. If I were a Downton Abbey character I would be Lord Grantham - Bad with money but loyal to the end.  My thoughtful and generous husband would agree.

So what have we learned today class?

Clearly rather than work on taxes, organize the pantry, get laundry done, or grade mountains of papers Mrs. Mooers can waste time better than anyone else with a little help from her friends - Facebook and Buzzfeed.

Waiting for Spring Break.


PS Happy Birthday to my beautiful sister Marie and Happy Valentine's Day to all.

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