It Happened Today

“Don't wish me happiness
I don't expect to be happy all the time...
It's gotten beyond that somehow.
Wish me courage and strength and a sense of humor.
I will need them all.”
Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Gift from the Sea

Thursday, November 15, 2012

To Secede or Not Secede, That is the......Really?

According to Webster's Dictionary the definition of secession is to:
1. withdrawal into privacy or solitude: retirement,
2. formal withdrawal from an organization.
The kids definition: The act of separating from a nation or state and becoming independent. Think Circa 1865.

Fast Forward 147 years and there are petitions from people in all 50 states to secede from the United States of America. An action that I like to call, "I Didn't Get My Way So I am Taking My Ball and Going Home Syndrome"

Leading the way - Texas and men. The state of Texas, "We the People Secession Petition", has over 40,000 signatures. Men have out signed woman 62% to 38%.

Most petitions in all 50 states have the same names. People are becoming serial secessionists - signing petitions via cyber-space all over the country. According to an article found in The Washington Times signing these petitions are giving people a feeling of "unity" as they fight against the "Union".

It all seems to be the ultimate Pity Party.

Have you ever seen the movie Moonstruck? There is a great scene where Cher slaps Nicolas Cage and exclaims, "Snap Out of It!" Find a Serial Secessionists and give them a good slap. At this trying time in our country's journey we should be working as one, What was it Aristotle said? "The whole is more then the sum of it's parts."

C'mon people, time to get your heads out of your, Texas's, roll up your sleeves and start thinking about the big picture. Putting the pieces of this beautiful country back together not breaking it apart even more.


Monday, November 5, 2012


Well it's election time. Time to Vote. Time to make big decisions for our country and communities. Time to get labeled.

Everyone is labeled. In an election year these are the most prevalent: Republican, Democrat, Independent, Moderate, Liberal, Conservative, Decided, Undecided, Socialist, Activist, Pacifist, 1%, 99%, 47%, Needy, Wealthy... Ugh!

Have you ever bought a shirt or sweater where the label in the back just rubs against your neck and all day long you itch, twitch and bitch until you can't take it anymore You tug to rip it off or take scissors and clip the darn thing. That's how I feel about all the labels being used during this political season. Enough already!

It seems that at a time when people have lost everything they possess including lives we would stop and remember there are some labels we must always possess: Kind, Compassionate, Tolerant, Courageous.

Regardless the outcome let's hope after Tuesday we all get back to restoring more humane labels. Of course this task will require one of the most precious labels of all: Patient

Respectfully waiting,