It Happened Today

“Don't wish me happiness
I don't expect to be happy all the time...
It's gotten beyond that somehow.
Wish me courage and strength and a sense of humor.
I will need them all.”
Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Gift from the Sea

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Looking For a Little Inspiration

So lately I have been looking for a little inspiration.  Not the life changing kind but maybe the getting life back on track kind. I have been to the usual places, like church, the beach, Oprah (even though I can't really get into the OWN Channel) Anyway, NOTHING! I know, sad, right?  Admittingly I have felt a little like the Republican Primaries - Can't quite choose a front runner that I can stick with. 

But today, and for me right now that is Sunday at 2:48 am, I have found my inspiration and I have today's youth to thank!  I have been profoundly inspired by the youth I have been fortunate enough to be surrounded by and by youth I mean the young adults who are out in the world trying to make it theirs, despite the sad state that some older adults have managed to put it in.

I will not name them by name but I thank them all the same.  I thank them for their exuberance and drive to embrace life and make it theirs.  There are young people out there brave enough to jump out of their comfort zones and take on new adventures. In following one particular youth I came across a website with this as their mantra - "What would you dare to accomplish if you knew the only possible outcome was success"  Hello Inspiration!

Yes I know every experience does not always lead to success, or does it?  As my wonderful friend and walking partner continues to remind me, it's not about the experience per se it's about what we do with each experience that matters. The success is in our hands if we only choose to see it that way.  Every experience, good or bad, can be successful if we are just brave enough to jump out of our comfort zones, no matter our age.

Keep shining!

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